Welcome to my landing page

Follow me on my journey to be a self employed programmer

Who am I?

I AM A CHAMPION! Haha, just kidding. But seriously though, you can learn everything you want with a little bit of interest. Hard work pays of and I will prove it to you by building this website based on what I learn the coming weeks/months. I stared learning web development 27/9-2021. Let's see what I will be able to do by the end of the year! Exciting! :)

What is this site?

In reality, for now, I have no idea what can be expected of this page. But I'm sure it will happen a lot.

Some of my projects so far


The first project I created was called RoboFriends, which is an app built with react to enable states within the app. This minimizes the work the DOM has to perform. React is a very popular tool for front end development which I will learn more about in the future! Link to the webpage --> https://viktorlinus.github.io/robo/

SmartBrain API

The second app utilizes an API to recognize faces that you provide for it. The app has a login and register function which is conected to a database that stores your information, as well as keeps track of how many times you have given it a face to recognize. The app's front- and backend as well as the database is deployed on Heroku. Check out the website here --> https://smart-brain-front-end-app.herokuapp.com/

Some of my favorite videos:

What is Money? - Robert Breedlove

First principle view of what money is, profound knowledge. I think everybody should see and understand this. Really recommend his podcast with the same name, "What is Money".

DeFi on Bitcoin

A conversation about defi on bitcoin with my favorite project: Sovryn. Edan Yago is excellent on describing difficult topics such as this.

Wim Hof & Jordan Peterson

A conversation with two of my favorite sources for how to live a good life. If you don't know them, you should. They have another conversation on Wim's podcast aswell. Recommend.

The Keto Diet

I'm not here to force you to skip the carbs, but if you know the science behind keto and intermittent fasting, maybe you will try it out.